Quote Originally Posted by mbridge87 View Post
Hi Kit,

Thanks for the reply. I actually found that forum a while ago, even tried to sign up before I realised it was no longer operating. Trouble was I needed to ask questions and there was nobody there to help. Hopefully I can run a few things past people here.

When you say "be warned!" can you elaborate? Was it a nightmare for you?


Timescapes was a great place to hang out as well as learn a lot of stuff. I was inspired to move into animation from timelapse and to build my first CNC router design by friends I made on there. I even got into making timelapse films of turtles nesting on the beaches near where I live in Western Australia using only moonlight after one forum member in Florida started doing something similar. Once we got to the point that every mobile phone could do timelapse and the regulars who were on the forum got busy making use of the machines they'd made activity died down.

"be warned!": Not a nightmare at all, I've found the whole process of starting with a wood and allthread 'proof of concept' machine and working my way up to something capable of serious work a very rewarding project in it's own right (not that I recommend that route at all!) But it has been time consuming and once you have made the CNC machine you have to find things to make with it. Other people (aka wife) will also find all sorts of things for you to make with it and it tends to become central to all the other projects you have in mind since it can make the pieces better and quicker than you can.
