
You are right the strapline does say 'By machinists, for machinists' and we cater for all, though it is fair to point out that a large number of our members are hobbyist and small production users for whom a £4k investment in software is never going to happen. Likewise we have a large base of users who manufacture all sorts of stuff: furniture, stairs, kitchen units, vinyl signs, full and part car body models, etc. - they are still machinists in the broad sense but again maybe this software doesnt apply.

That doesn't mean we aren't interested in hearing about products and techniques that can be adapted. There are a fair number of members who are professional CNC operators and medium size shop owners who may have an interest.

Compared to CNCZone I think its true we don't (yet) have a huge base of 'big league, hardcore CNC programmers' - I suspect that reflects to some extent the different market situation here in the UK compared to the US, probably there are less heavy manufacturing companies and workforce who would participate in forum's such as these.

Everyone has different perceptions and experiences. The purpose of forums is to share that politely and informatively with reasoned debate...